Monday, January 19, 2015


Oh, that thing about answers and stuff, it's funny that I realized those things at a place I never thought I could learn something. That is, an entertainment YouTube channel named nigahiga.

It shows that God's guidance sometimes come at a place where we least expect it, and when we least expect it. So, never give up hope and always pray for His guidance.

Watching his videos, I always thought that his videos are awkwardly inspiring sometimes and I hope he can make more inspiring videos. He also seem to be maturing himself as time goes by.

I also hope that Mat Luthfi make more videos about issues in Malaysia, even though some people said that his videos sometimes resembles nigahiga's videos.

I guess that's not a problem because maybe he is just inspired by how Ryan make videos and then make his own videos that is closer to the Malaysian.

But if I just think deeply enough, I shouldn't be relying on other people too much. Maybe I should try creating my own content. My own video. My own YouTube channel. But, oh well.

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